Chorlton C of E Primary School

“An Adventure for the Mind, and a Home for the Heart”

“UN Rights of a Child Article 2: A child has rights, whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion, language or abilities. Whatever they think or say, whatever their family background.”

Welcome back to all pupils, parents to a new academic year at Chorlton C.E Primary School. Please look at the calendar for key events in 2024 to 2025

Governor Profiles

Rev. Ken Flood 
Foundation Governor, Chair of Governors; Religious Education Link; Chair of SIP Committee


I am the Rector at St Clement's Church and as such I am a foundation governor of Chorlton C of E School. I came to Chorlton at the end of 2008 and my children all attended Chorlton C of E Primary. I was appoint Chair of Governors in September 2022. 

I have a background in science but for most of my life I've been in full-time ordained ministry. I've worked in inner-city, city centre, and suburban parishes.

I am the chair of the School Improvement Plan Committee and I am also the (perhaps not unsurprisingly) the link governor for 
Religious Education.

Phil Trohear

Head Teacher

I am the Headteacher of Chorlton C.E Primary School and was appointed in
January 2023. For over 20 years before this, I was a teacher and Deputy Headteacher
at St Mary’s C.E Primary School in Moss Side. I have a strong commitment to
working in Manchester and have taught in this area for the majority of my
career.  I am passionate about children fulfilling their full potential so that they
can become the very best that they can be (Article 29 of The Convention of the
Rights of the Child). I have been a Governor for over 20 years and I am a
Trustee of Big Life Academy Schools. I enjoy exercise, especially running and I
am a big fan of the number one team on the planet, Manchester City.

Stuart Vendy
Co-opted Governor; Vice Chair; Humanities Link; Chair of Resources Committee


As a parent governor for two terms (8  years in total), three of my children have passed through the school.  I am keen to ensure that the safe, nurturing character of the school is maintained, whilst we develop and improve the curriculum.

My children have benefitted from the skills and dedication of parents, staff and governors of the school. Whilst they have moved on to senior schools now, I remain keen to use my experience and knowledge to build on previous achievements. 

Sue Hilton
Foundation Governor -Safeguarding/LAC/Health & Safety Link; Member of SIP Committee


I have lived in Chorlton since 1976 and have worked in the area for many years – most recently as a GP in Whalley Range – now retired. I also attend St Clement’s Church, am on the PCC and also a member of the church choir – along with being the Parish Safeguarding Officer. I became a Foundation Governor in 2015, and already had one small grandchild. I am interested in education, especially of the ’whole’ child, not just academic, though this is important, but social skills and attention to physical and mental health need to be developed – and from a young age. So it has been fascinating to see how Chorlton C of E does all this so well. It has been a pleasure to serve on the school governing body, and work alongside all your excellent and dedicated staff.


Tom Butler - Year 6 Teacher/Assitant Headteacher/ PE Lead
Staff Governor; Member of SIP Committee

I have worked at Chorlton since 2014. I am Assistant Head and currently teach in Year 6, and I became staff governor in July 2017. I have an excellent understanding of the academic expectations for children leaving primary school and I am passionate about ensuring all children make the best possible progress and reach their full potential. I am also the P.E coordinator and have a background in sports science and coaching; this is a passion of mine and something I am keen to develop at Chorlton.

Jo Derbyshire

Co-opted Governor, member of the Resources Committee 


I joined Chorlton CE in September 2022 as Business Manager and in addition I have become a co-opted Governor. I have extensive experience of working within education, obtained during my previous role as Business Support Manager and staff governor at a Salford High School. I carried out this role for 22 years. In addition I am also on the governing body of Summerville Primary School in Salford.

I believe that every child is entitled to receive an excellent education and given the opportunities to enable them to expand their knowledge and experiences to achieve their full potential. The staff and governors and community play an essential role in this and I look forward to being a part of the journey.

Marketta Mason

Parent Governor- English Link; member of the Resources Committee

I was elected as a Parent Governor in November 2022 and have 2 young daughters at the school. I have worked in a variety of roles in industry in my 30 year career and feel passionately that many of the skills I have developed can be put to good use in helping to support the school community. I have thrown myself whole heartedly into understanding how I can best support the school and the staff in particular. It is a steep learning curve but very enlightening and inspiring, to both better understand the challenges facing the school but also to be able to play an active part in the solutions that will help the school and its pupils grow and flourish.
I have a particular interest in strengthening the school community and capitalising on the many and varied talents of parents and carers to engage their support. So together we can nurture and develop our truly unique, caring inclusive and inspirational school and help ensure the resources facilities and environment for learning and recreation are outstanding.

Chorlton C of E Primary School

“An Adventure for the Mind, and a Home for the Heart”


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