Ethos Group
Welcome to our Ethos Group
What is the Ethos Group?
A new Ethos Group is elected each year, with every class from Year 3 to Y6 nominating representatives. This creates a central group from KS2. This group works hard to:
- support our school in developing our Christian distinctiveness
- promote our Christian values
- try hard to develop our spirituality within school
- meet with Mrs Foreman every fortnight to discuss aspects of our school’s commitment to our Christian ethos and school values
- work with other adults to develop positive working relationships
- ask pupils their opinion about our school values and worship
- help plan collective worship and take an active role in collective worship
Who are the Ethos Group representatives?
Our ethos group is made up of 2 representatives from each class from Year 3 to Year 6. All ethos group representatives are elected by their peers at the beginning of each academic year.