Chorlton C of E Primary School

“An Adventure for the Mind, and a Home for the Heart”

“UN Rights of a Child Article 2: A child has rights, whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion, language or abilities. Whatever they think or say, whatever their family background.”

Chorlton C.E Primary OFSTED report key comments (November 2024): Pupils at this school are treasured. They are seen as important individuals who are valued for their uniqueness. Pupils flourish from the strong and meaningful relationships that they have with adults and each other. They thrive in the nurturing and encouraging environment. Pupils benefit significantly from the wealth of provision that is available to support their social, emotional and mental health needs.The school places pupils’ safety and well-being as paramount. Pupils’ happiness and success, academically and in their wider lives, are at the centre of the school’s work. This is borne out in pupils’ eagerness to attend school and their ready smiles throughout the school day. The school has established an ambitious curriculum, which it has set out from the Nursery Year to Year 6.



  • To provide children with opportunities to express themselves in emotional terms through their art experiences, to study and record both man-made and natural phenomena.
  • To develop the children’s knowledge of materials by allowing them to experiment freely and to encourage them to use materials sensibly and safely.
  • To ensure the children learn a range of pertinent skills so that they develop an expertise in using both materials and equipment and so enable the realisation of their ideas.
  • To develop an understanding of the work of artists, crafts people, architects and designers and apply this knowledge to their own work.
  • To provide opportunities for studying historical, cultural and religious art.



The teaching and implementation of the Art and Design Curriculum at Chorlton CE Primary School is based on the National Curriculum. We provide a rich and varied art learning environment allowing children to develop their skills and abilities to their full potential encompassing a range the art forms and skills.  Often lessons are delivered in a cross-curricular approach and where possible enriched by workshops and trips to local galleries.  As well as weekly lessons, throughout the year children create collaborative art pieces for displays during Arts Weeks and Super Learning Days.

Every child from Year 1 to 6 has a sketchbook, these are used when creating, learning and developing new ideas. Children are encouraged to present their work in any way they choose.


Our Art curriculum is also drawn from: 

At Chorlton CE we have build strong links with Manchester Art Gallery who support us in delivering our curriculum.

Please see the whole school Progression and Overview documents below:


Every child from Year 1 to 6 has a sketchbook, these are used when creating, learning and developing new ideas. Children are encouraged to present their work in any way they choose.

Children at Chorlton CE are passionate about art and relish opportunities to be creative. Their creativity, self-expression and exploratory skills are evident not only in art, but across the curriculum, where they learn to express their ideas, take risks with and reflect on their learning and developing skills. Teachers use end of phase progression statements (EYFS, KS1, LKS2, and UKS2) to judge if children are working at the expected level and are making progress. These statements cover: drawing, painting, digital media and exploring and evaluating ideas. Pupil voice is used to not only assess how well children have retained the knowledge they have been taught, but also to elicit children's individual thoughts and feelings towards their own and other's artwork. 

By the end of each year, sketchbooks provide a tangible measure of progress which demonstrates that control and technique develop through the year groups.

Chorlton C of E Primary School

“An Adventure for the Mind, and a Home for the Heart”


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