At Chorlton C of E Design and Technology is about designing and making something for someone, for a purpose. We believe that Design and Technology is an important subject which fosters knowledge and skills which prepare children to be able to participate in the rapidly changing world.
Our Design and Technology curriculum is planned with these goals in mind:
The requirements of the Design and Technology curriculum are taught using the Projects on a Page produced by the Design and Technology Association, as the starting point. The curriculum is split into the strands: Food, Textiles, Mechanisms, Mechanical Systems and Electrical Systems. Key knowledge and skills are taught and revisited, D&T is taught in mixed ability groups. We give children of all abilities the opportunity to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding and progression is planned so that the children are increasingly challenged as they move through the school.
Each Year group completes one Design and Technology unit each term. Each project addresses the Design and Technology principles:
User- Children consider who the product is for and considers their wants and needs.
Purpose- Children are able to explain the purpose of their products and be able to evaluate them.
Functionality- Children make products to fulfil the user’s needs which work rather than being purely aesthetic.
Design- Children use their creativity, skills and knowledge and draw upon relevant knowledge in other subjects to make decisions about the product.
Innovation- Children are encouraged to be original with their thinking.
Authenticity- The products which are designed and made should be real and relevant.
In Nursery and Reception, children are encouraged to develop their skills, knowledge, and understanding of the world through a range of activities both independently in Continuous Provision, and through termly teacher-led projects. In the EYFS children complete projects covering the strands Food, Structures and Mechanisms.
Children at our School are creative and are excited about Design and technology. They see Design and Technology as a very relevant subject and readily make links with other subjects such as ICT, science and maths.
We measure the impact of our Design and Technology curriculum through the following methods:
Teacher assessment is recorded at agreed points through the year on FFT.
Assessment of children's learning in Design Technology takes the form of ongoing monitoring of children's understanding, knowledge and skills using key questioning skills built into lessons by the class teacher. Child-led assessment such as success criteria and evaluation grids are also used to inform the differentiation, support and challenge required by the children. Summative assessment is conducted termly by class teachers across each year group and is aimed at targeting next steps in learning as well as informing the subject leader of progress and skills/knowledge still to be embedded.
Design Technology is also monitored by the subject leader throughout the year in the form of collection of evidence (photos), book monitoring, looking at outcomes measured against age-based progression and pupil interviews to discuss their learning. This tangible evidence aids understanding and establishes the impact of the teaching taking place.
By the time children leave our school they will have: