Chorlton C of E Primary School

“An Adventure for the Mind, and a Home for the Heart”

“UN Rights of a Child Article 2: A child has rights, whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion, language or abilities. Whatever they think or say, whatever their family background.”

Welcome back to all pupils, parents to a new academic year at Chorlton C.E Primary School. Please look at the calendar for key events in 2024 to 2025

Artwork installed over the half term

Over the half term school has been very busy. We have had our values and their biblical references from the stories in our collective worship displayed around the school and children have been enjoying reading them and thinking about how we show our values day to day.

In the hall we have had a huge stained glass window displayed on the wall, made from artwork from Year 1 and 2, they have enjoyed knowing a little piece of them is on our wall. We are also metaphorically growing our values tree in the hall; children are decorating blossom for the tree in the rainbow colours of our values and we look forward to watching it bloom.

Chorlton C of E Primary School

“An Adventure for the Mind, and a Home for the Heart”


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